Dr. Fazlullah Pechuho envisaged reimagining the concepts of Health Services, Medicines, and Medical Devices delivery at their best; hence the incorporation of ALTIMI Biosciences (Private) Limited took place to achieve the goals.
Dr. Fazlullah Pechuho brings to ALTIMI more than 30 years of experience in Health Services, Education, and Administration disciplines acquired while being at Senior Management levels during his outstanding career.
Before ALTIMI, Dr. Fazlullah Pechuho has served as Secretary Health, Education, Finance, Communication & Works (Government of Sindh), Director Finance (Trade Development Authority of Pakistan), and Chief Financial Officer at Civil Aviation Authority (Government of Pakistan), mainly responsible for Strategic Planning, Budgetary Control, Monitoring, and Workforce Management
Dr. Khalil Memon is a Medical Doctor with an advanced degree in Public Health from SPH, Boston, USA.
He also holds the portfolio of CEO of DK Healthcare Services, Illinois, USA.
He is providing services to United States Government program under Medicare and Medicaid.
He has been actively involved in the business development and business strategy at DK Healthcare Services.
He has been engaged in many philanthropic programs & services in Pakistan.
Engr. Tanveer Hussain Musavi holds a degree in Civil Engineering discipline and started his career as an Assistant Engineer with the Communication & Works Department, Government of Sindh in the year 1985.
He remained Supervising / Controlling Officer from 2008 to 2016 and from 2016 to 2019 resumed his responsibilities as Chief Engineer later became Director-General Design to implement and monitor the developmental projects in line with set-forth standard rules, regulations, and procedures.
He has also discharged the prime responsibilities being Project Director to execute and supervise the construction of
(a) 300 Beds Mother & Childcare Hospital (b) National Institute of Cardio-Vascular Disease in the province of Sindh Pakistan.
His executive managerial experience is diffused over a period of more than 3 (three) decades.
Dr. Khalil Memon is a Medical Doctor with an advanced degree in Public Health from SPH, Boston, USA.
He also holds the portfolio of CEO of DK Healthcare Services, Illinois, USA.
He is providing services to United States Government program under Medicare and Medicaid.
He has been actively involved in the business development and business strategy at DK Healthcare Services.
He has been engaged in many philanthropic programs & services in Pakistan.
Establishment of children / pediatric emergency centers under Public Private Partnership model with the help / under the direct supervision of Child Life Foundation (CLF). They are all by no means equivalent to the Canadian Children Emergency Centers.
Establishment of the satellite units of NICVD all over Sindh to cater the services of Angiography including Angioplasty and other services pertaining to cardiovascular diseases free of cost to the people living in Sindh, Pakistan.
Supervised and managed to establish 106 Schools under the direct guidelines of USAID, being the biggest investment done by USAID in Sindh and some of these schools were made functional under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode as well.
Managed World Bank-sponsored Sindh Education Reform Program (SERP) including Nutrition Support Program, National Immunization Support, and Lady Health Worker Program.
With the help of the Asian Development Bank, the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) tool was made robust / strengthened to bring more investment in Sindh under PPP mode particularly in the Education sector.
Establishment of Cardiac Chest Pain Units all over Sindh province.
Projects Liaison for the establishment of 60 states of the Art schools in Sindh.
Liaise with WHO for the eradication of life-threatening diseases.
ALTIMI also envisage that the pulmonary diseases have acquired significance in Pakistan and are accelerating due to lack of World class inhalation and respiratory therapies causing aggravation and more complications. To condense the increasing tendency of these diseases; essentially, we need to have trusted brand Inhalation Equipment and Therapies with proven track record.
The mission of ABL is to become an eventual choice for all about HEALTH CARE Company by providing the ULTIMATE Products, Services and Devices to customers throughout the country emphasizing Consistent innovation, Operational excellence and highest quality in every segment offered.